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How To Build Good Habits & Make Them Stick
We all strive to achieve goals, and developing daily habits of working toward those goals are vital to achieving them. This highly informative piece debunks myths of what it takes to develop good habits and summarizes some of the scientifically proven ways to help you form the habits you need to achieve your goals. Read on to learn why the belief that it takes 21 days to form a habit is misleading... posted on May 14 2014, 29,487 reads


The Conditioned: A Sidewalk Poet Finds His Home
Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was a homeless poet, living for decades on a roadway median in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he called "The Island." Though his circumstances were dire, he wrote each day will diligence and passion. His dream was to share his work with the world; but he lived fundamentally disconnected from others. Or did he? This film speaks to the inherent interconnections among all of us and the a... posted on May 13 2014, 3,794 reads


John Upton: A Life in Photography
As a student, he rubbed elbows with Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Minor White, Imogene Cunningham and Dorothea Lange, and photography became a search, a way of life. "I'm out there looking for photographs and sometimes I reach a point where what's out there is looking for me. Minor used to talk about how that would happen. One thing Minor did, and I catch myself doing, is that when you've photograph... posted on May 12 2014, 22,424 reads


Clean Your House, Your Mind Will Follow
"With spring cleaning in effect, many are rolling up their sleeves and reaching into the corners and hard-to-reach places that have often been long neglected. As a merely physical task, cleaning can be arduous, gratifying, and everything in between. But if taken up with the spirit of self-purification, cleaning serves as a powerful instrument for heightening awareness of the present moment and of ... posted on May 11 2014, 24,841 reads


The Love of Stuff
Nick Thorpe asks, "If Western consumer culture sometimes resembles a bulimic binge in which we taste and then spew back things that never quite nourish us, the ascetic, anorexic alternative of rejecting materialism altogether will leave us equally starved. Who, then, can teach me how to celebrate my possessions with the mindful, celebratory spirit of a gourmet?"... posted on May 10 2014, 7,360 reads


The Solar Suitcase that's Saving Lives
When Dr. Laura Stachal first visited a Nigerian hospital, she was shocked by what she witnessed. The lights went out in the operating room during an emergency caesarian section. Sadly, during her two week stay she witnessed countless other times when the lives of mothers and infants were placed at risk due to the lack of a reliable electricity source. When she returned from that trip, she was insp... posted on May 09 2014, 4,637 reads


How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy
Some of the greatest transitions in life occur in older age, including retiring, downsizing, or losing social ties. All of these changes have profound effects on physical and mental health. While physical activity and healthy eating are well known to help us go through these transitions with grace and in good health, social connections are also vital for maximizing sharing, friendship, health, and... posted on May 08 2014, 18,866 reads


4 Ways To Be More Present In Travel
"Being present is about slowing things down enough to truly feel, experience, and sense them -- to grasp them in full." During moments of movement it is all too easy for our attention to shift from the past to the future. But in the present moment, we can foster meaningful connections to people and places. How, then, can we be more present in our travel and share our travel stories with greater r... posted on May 07 2014, 16,184 reads


Desmond Tutu On Why We Forgive
Desmond Tutu is what Gandhi would call a "practical idealist." He believes in the practical, healing power of forgiveness because he sees it as more than a virtue; to him, it is a supreme gift, which we can give either partially or unconditionally. He opts for the latter because with it, he sees a greater freedom for the individual who has been harmed. Forgiveness is not forgetting, he points out,... posted on May 06 2014, 50,704 reads


Lessons From My 93-Year-Old Kindergarten Teacher
Mary Beth Washington is the stuff that kindergarten dreams are made of. "She did almost everything contrary to the rules: she took the kids out walking in the rain, she napped with them during naptime, she came to school dressed like a circus performer. She was in love with birds, dancing, poetry and people." Now in her 93rd year, she is as spirited as ever and still going strong with her walking ... posted on May 05 2014, 25,636 reads


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But thou, doing kindness, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth.
Matthew 6:3

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